Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Managing time by blocking it out!

Okay, so finding time to do everything seems to be a popular "problem" to have.  Currently I find myself: coaching track, while running a small business, while trying to fit in exercise time, me time, church service time, family time, sleep time and the list goes on!  Does this sound like a familiar situation? 
A few months ago I found this awesome article about blocking out time in a schedule-say what?!  I'm serious it's working for me I've had to revamp because of my slight schedule change but IT WORKS!  AND I am deep cleaning my house at the same time so that by the weekend I am free to play!  YES, my family is involved because let's keep it real I am not the only one around here that makes a mess! ;)

It's not my idea, but I want to share it, I found it on Fun Cheap or Free: HERE  There is a free printable and ideas, and I believe a video-if you try it I would LOVE to hear about it!!

I'm off and running-hope your day is FANTASTIC!!