Friday, January 12, 2018

Happy New Year!

Yep it's the 12th of January and here I am posting after a LONG hiatus from blogging.  You see December was a bit of a blur-my daughter got married, I celebrated an anniversary, Christmas, school break, traveling to open house, concerts...PHEW!  I was taking pictures-I have a December Daily assembled (albeit from 2015, I took the year off and put 2017) My son keeps asking me how the December thingy is's not!  But that is my goal for this month-to get it all journaled!

Are you a huge goal setter?  I like to set goals that are daily, weekly or monthly.  I find if I go any further than that I sort of lose my momentum.

So today while watching the last episode of Stranger Things season 2 (in the middle of the day!) I was designing Project Life note cards-I plan on doing most of my journaling digitally-to save time.  This is something new for me-new is good!  I was inspired by this post by my creative buddy Laura Vegas, HERE it's from last year but got me to thinking just how I wanted to do MY Project Life.  I'm excited about it!

So this past week I started my coaching job at the High School.  The track coach asked me if I would like to coach the sprints.  I seriously JUMPED at the chance, I ran track in elementary school, junior high, high school and a year in college.  The kids are great in preseason!  They have asked me some of the funniest questions, one: are you a biology teacher?  What?!  No.  Well, you know so much about stretching and nutrition.  Umm..yeah-STILL an athlete with athletic children! ;)  I really wanted to tell them..."I'm smart!"  Yesterday they were trying to figure out what to call me...Coach?  Waite?  Duwb?  (I'm thinking that will probably stick...)

One of my FAVORITE pictures from the wedding day:
special, my mom, me and my daughter...

Thanks for stopping by today-I'm really not sure what I'll be sharing next!  I do have a few projects up my sleeve-I've also been madly DE-STASHING my crafting items-feels liberating! 

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Congrats to your daughter!! And you have been busy busy busy girl!!!!!!!!