Thursday, May 23, 2013


This layout is featured on the Scrapbook Circle blog today.  It's featured because I participated in challenge #53 which is to mix patterns on a layout.  I had SO much fun sifting through Pinterest inspiration to find something that spoke to me.  Here is the inspiration:
source found HERE
When I decided to do the circles I had to scour the house for round items, my desk looked hilarious with bowls cups, lids and assorted circle items.  I traced them and then sewed around the circle--it was a little tricky but eventually got it right!
 closeups of my lovely stitching:
 title closeup:
 to cut the circles I used my silhouette and then sorted the extra pieces into patterns that didn't have the same design...almost had my 10 year old come and help me.  He is a FANTASTIC sorter!  It all turned out the way I imagined and it was FUN!
If you want to play along ALL the info can be found HERE, there is a $10 shop credit up for grabs!
Thanks SO much for the visit I appreciate it!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwwwww! This is gorgeous! LOVING the circles and the stitching!!

Ashley Horton said...

Awesome use of the inspiration image, Diana!! Really love your page!

Paige Taylor Evans said...


Anonymous said...

Such a cool take on the quilt - love it!

sophie said...

this is an amazing layout!!!!! diana this is genius!

Gail L said...

GORGEOUS! I'm loving the "quilt" type backgrounds at the moment also! Love this! x

Unknown said...

This is such a cool idea! Love how the page came together.

Vee said...

gorgeous page, the circle design is gorgeous!

Patricia Roebuck said...

Oh wow Diana this is amazing!!! Just love the inspiration!

Keri said...

This is SO FANTASTIC, Diana, I really love that you pieced the paper circles and then did all that stitching! Looks awesome, especially with the cool graphic on his tee-shirt...great complementing design+photo! Also, thanks for all the sweet comments on all my blog posts, made me smile! :) :)

Daniela Dobson said...

Wonderful layout. I am inspired to make a similar quilt.

Unknown said...

LOVE this layout, Diana! It's simply incredible!